You Won’t Regret It, If You Do These 3 Things Before Investing. Given that inflation lopped an average 2.28% off your money's value in 2019, we all understand that investments are one of the only ways to grow your money fast enough to overcome it. However, investing can seem daunting if you don’t know what you’re doing, especially during uncertain times. You may be asking yourself, “should I buy stocks right now or should I try funds first ?” There are a few simple tips you can use to safely and reliably before investing your money. Step 1 : Reviewing your financial situation Before you make any investment decision, sit down and take an honest look at your entire financial situation, especially if you’ve never made a financial plan before. From my own experience, I always separate my money in 4 parts when I get my salary. 40% for daily use, 15% for emergency (one's fortune can change in the blink of an eye), 25% for saving and the last 20% for investment. Once you know how mu...